  Tone and Feeling  

  Comp 22B  

of a

A story can
show feeling.

The new girl
had a very
wide smile.


Write the better word for the feeling of each story.

Jim lost his pet pig.
He called and he
searched with no luck.

1.  glad  upset

Jack lost his temper.
He yelled at all the
other boys and girls.

2.  angry  glad

Bob's dog has a brand
new house.  Bob made
the house all by himself.

3.  upset  proud

The ghost came out of
nowhere. It looked at
us with bloody eyes.

4.  sweet  scary

I dreamed of a giant
ice cream sundae. It
had a cherry on top.

5. yummy  yucky

Jenny was having
a great time.  She was
playing with her doll.

6.  happy  mad