
  Comp 28B  


Stories are more
than just words.
What you think
adds to a story.

I have a wheel
that spins on the
end of a string.

I have a yoyo.

They went faster and faster down the mountain. Cindy worked
hard to move past all of the other bikes. She kept thinking about
an ocean wave to keep her cool. Finally, she crossed the finish.

1.  cliff  road
Cindy went
fast down a
mountain road.

2.  wash  race
She was in a
bike ______.

3.  hot  cool
She thinks
about waves to
keep ______.

The clowns were very funny. And the animals did tricks. The
elephants were my favorites. I wished I could ride on their big
backs. During all of the fun, we got to eat candy.

4.  laugh  cry
Clowns made
me ______.

5.  feed  ride
I will ______
 a big elephant.

6. circus  movie
We were at
the ______.