  Tone and Feeling  

  Comp 49B  


A story gives
your mind a
tone or feeling.

They sang of
good cheer and
happy times.


Write the better word for the tone of each story.

She opened the door
and saw the nest of rats.
She frowned deeply.

1.  glad  disgust

By mistake, he called
the lady, Mr. Jones.
He felt so embarassed.

2.  silly  smart

No matter which way he
turned, a sticky spider
web brushed his face.

3.  sad  creepy

For her sister's party,
Nan made a big cake.
It turned out great.

4.  proud  tired

His face turned red as
he learned his brother's
train had been taken.

5.  happy  angry

For the second time this
month, Sara lost her
milk money and cried.

6.  defeat  glad