Reference List of Dolch Nouns for Early Grades

This is a list of very common nouns appropriate for early grades. Most of these words are taught as part of our Phonics Lessons since they may be decoded using the rules of phonics. It is best to learn these words as part of your phonics program. Use the sheet below as a review after the material has been taught. You may print this sheet and cut out the boxes to make flash cards to practice these words by themselves or in short sentences. You may also leave the sheet intact and just point to words if your child is not confused by the larger matrix.

apple baby back ball bear bed
bell bird birthday boat box boy
bread brother cake car cat chair
chicken children Christmas coat corn cow
day dog doll door duck egg
eye farm farmer father feet fire
fish floor flower game garden girl
goodbye grass ground hand head hill
home horse house kitty leg letter
man men milk money morning mother
name nest night paper party picture
pig rabbit rain ring robin Santa Claus
school seed sheep shoe sister snow
song squirrel stick street sun table
thing time top toy tree watch
water way wind window wood

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