Context Clues  

 Vocabulary 29B 


The meaning of
of a story helps
to understand
unknown words.

The boat was
propelled by a
rubber band.

rubber band

Use both sentences as clues to the
missing word.  Write the better word.

Molly's cake was a great
success.  She always
uses the freshest  ? .

1. ingredients  salt

The movie had a long  ? .
This gave everyone time
to buy plenty of candy.

2. intermission  end

The light  ?  and then
went out.  The bad storm
cut off all electricity.

3. broke  flickered

We could see snow on
the mountains from the
plane.  It was a  ?  sight.

4. scary  magnificent

The boys laughed as they
 ?  the fence.  They were
pretending to ride horses.

5. straddled  washed

The police caught a man
running from the store.
 He  ?  to the robbery.

6. added  admitted

Everyone had to give an
oral report.  This caused
a lot of  ?  in the class.

7. tennis  tension

When not working, Dan
sailed on the lake.  That's
how he spent his  ?  time.

8. exercise  leisure

A steam engine has an
important  ? .  It shows
the boiler pressure.

9. gauge  garage